Friday, March 23, 2012
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Sunday, January 1, 2012
I won't say I'm sad to see 2011 go. It was a year of transition, of change, of heartache and heartbreak. In the end, I've grown a ton.
God used each situation that 2011 brought to teach me, to grow me, and to make me stronger in who I am in HIM. To sum it up, it was a needed year. A year of needed growth, understanding, and an increased ability to see people and life as He sees it - not how I want to see it.
But here we are, turning over a new page. Its a time to start over, to start fresh. Heading into 2012 I know it will be a year of transition as well ... I mean, what year isn't?!?! Nothing ever stays the same, even though we may try our best to never change - its a part of life.
I read this blog entry the other night. I've heard of OneWord before, but never felt truly inspired to choose a word - although looking back I could pin a word on most years.
As I enter 2012, I've decided to choose a word. The word that He has brought to me over and over throughout the past year is balance. Finding balance in Him, in work, in home, in play ... balance in all aspects of life.
I've spent the past several months in the thick of transition and things have shifted towards work, but this season of transition is coming to a close, which makes the beginning of 2012 the perfect time to begin focusing on balance.
There is a good year ahead and He has good things in store, but I don't want to miss those things by having my focus in the wrong places.
Happy 2012! What's your word for the year?
Monster Suits

Saturday, December 24, 2011
To Heal - Christmas 2011
Tonight I sat in service, yes its the 23rd ... but tomorrow is going to be PACKED so, I caught service tonight so I can focus on the hundreds of kids and families that will come through the doors tomorrow.
I was partially distracted. Not because I had volunteers and kids in the wing on the opposite side of the building, but distracted by this past year, by the hurts, the transitions, the craziness and reality that things today aren't the way I pictured them a year ago.
Last Christmas was HARD ... as in funeral hard on December 23rd. Compared to last year, today looks a lot different, although I won't say its all better.
You see, there's a reality that Christmas IS about Christ, but its also that yearly reminder that life isn't how we think it should be or the way it should look - our plans aren't our own, they are His.
So tonight, admist my distraction and wandering mind I saw four words on a massive screen...
He came... HEAL
Yes, Jesus came not only to love, to save, to reconcile, but He came to heal, and not just physically heal, but emotionally, relationally, and any other way that we need healing - if only we seek Him.
It was in that moment that I realized that I've spent this past year thinking that my problems are too small, too silly for God. That He doesn't care about my family - that its just the way it is. So, as I move forward into 2012 I am reminded that Christ cares about every detail of our life. And that no problem is too small, or too complicated, or anything else - because of an infant and a stable and a starry night thousands of years ago - He came to heal.
As you celebrate this Christmas Season remember that for many this season brings about a lot of grief and a reminder that life isn't the way they pictured it. Their family isn't what they dreamed of. They're missing loved ones who are no longer here. They have broken relationships. Whatever it may be - He came to heal. To heal not only the physical, but the emotional, the relational, the very details of our life that sometimes seem like a bother to God - HE CAME TO HEAL.
I was partially distracted. Not because I had volunteers and kids in the wing on the opposite side of the building, but distracted by this past year, by the hurts, the transitions, the craziness and reality that things today aren't the way I pictured them a year ago.
Last Christmas was HARD ... as in funeral hard on December 23rd. Compared to last year, today looks a lot different, although I won't say its all better.
You see, there's a reality that Christmas IS about Christ, but its also that yearly reminder that life isn't how we think it should be or the way it should look - our plans aren't our own, they are His.
So tonight, admist my distraction and wandering mind I saw four words on a massive screen...
He came... HEAL
Yes, Jesus came not only to love, to save, to reconcile, but He came to heal, and not just physically heal, but emotionally, relationally, and any other way that we need healing - if only we seek Him.
It was in that moment that I realized that I've spent this past year thinking that my problems are too small, too silly for God. That He doesn't care about my family - that its just the way it is. So, as I move forward into 2012 I am reminded that Christ cares about every detail of our life. And that no problem is too small, or too complicated, or anything else - because of an infant and a stable and a starry night thousands of years ago - He came to heal.
As you celebrate this Christmas Season remember that for many this season brings about a lot of grief and a reminder that life isn't the way they pictured it. Their family isn't what they dreamed of. They're missing loved ones who are no longer here. They have broken relationships. Whatever it may be - He came to heal. To heal not only the physical, but the emotional, the relational, the very details of our life that sometimes seem like a bother to God - HE CAME TO HEAL.
Monster Suits

Sunday, September 18, 2011
There is an image that keeps replaying in my mind. An image of one of our volunteers in our ministry at the services for one of the kids in our ministry who passed away.
That was 12 days ago.
Tomorrow, we'll gather once again, but this time we'll be saying goodbye to one of our volunteers, and the son of the volunteer who attended the services, 12 days ago.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the death of a child and now the death of a volunteer.
Had you told me two weeks ago that we would be gathering for a funeral exactly two weeks later I would have never believed you. But I do know that God's plan is greater, stronger, and bigger than the things that we can understand.
We don't know what tomorrow holds, that has been so evident this past year as we have walked through tragedy after tragedy ... tomorrow isn't guaranteed. So live ... life fully as God intended you to ... chase dreams and just live!
That was 12 days ago.
Tomorrow, we'll gather once again, but this time we'll be saying goodbye to one of our volunteers, and the son of the volunteer who attended the services, 12 days ago.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the death of a child and now the death of a volunteer.
Had you told me two weeks ago that we would be gathering for a funeral exactly two weeks later I would have never believed you. But I do know that God's plan is greater, stronger, and bigger than the things that we can understand.
We don't know what tomorrow holds, that has been so evident this past year as we have walked through tragedy after tragedy ... tomorrow isn't guaranteed. So live ... life fully as God intended you to ... chase dreams and just live!
Monster Suits

Saturday, September 10, 2011
10 Years (Part 1)
Tomorrow is a big day, but today I've been reflecting on how big of a day today is. Ten years ago today was the last day we took our safety for granted, it was the day before the word "terrorism" entered our lives, it was a day when we believed we were invincible.
Ultimately, it is a symbol of how quickly life changes.
Ten years ago today, Osama Bin Laden was only a person who sent us video messages and terrorism was something that happened in other countries. We walked freely through airports and didn't worry about the person next to us.
It was a Monday, a normal Monday ... I went off to high school and had band practice afterward. Seven classes and homework. We went to bed that night in a world that seemed safe, because we were Americans.
On September 10th, 2001 we had a sense of security ... we were living a fake life, naive of the things of the world. Tomorrow is the day the innocence of a generation was taken, lives were taken, and the world changed.
Ultimately, it is a symbol of how quickly life changes.
Ten years ago today, Osama Bin Laden was only a person who sent us video messages and terrorism was something that happened in other countries. We walked freely through airports and didn't worry about the person next to us.
It was a Monday, a normal Monday ... I went off to high school and had band practice afterward. Seven classes and homework. We went to bed that night in a world that seemed safe, because we were Americans.
On September 10th, 2001 we had a sense of security ... we were living a fake life, naive of the things of the world. Tomorrow is the day the innocence of a generation was taken, lives were taken, and the world changed.

Friday, September 2, 2011
Well Done
This week has been tough. Wednesday evening, Jake went home to be with Jesus.
I'll never forget hearing his mother say during his final hours ... "Jesus is going to say, well done my good and faithful servant" ... it was a powerful moment and so true of the person Jake was during the past seven years. Jake has ministered to thousands through his dream of giving Pillow Pets to sick children. He didn't let his age stop him and became a spokesperson for sick children.
Over the last several months there have been so many amazing and painful moments. But, as things came to a close this past week I've reflected on the things I've learned this past year and the ways the Jake has impacted my life.
Ultimately, Jake and his family has taught me to live life ... to go to the store and get ice cream just because, to take a vacation even when you don't have the time or money, to go home and spend time with family, to be with friends even when you don't have the time, to do the things you enjoy ... to simply live life and not let the limitations of money, time, people, etc stop you!
Jake ... I'll miss you, I'll miss your heart and the way you genuinely loved people and animals, I'll miss you hanging out with me in the hallway during the 11a service when you didn't feel like being in your class, but still wanted to be at church, I'll miss your stories about frogs and bugs and your love for life. You are an amazing kid!
Hug your kids tonight!
Monster Suits,
Studio 6.7

Monday, August 22, 2011
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