The other night I had a few of my friends' kids over for a little bit. We watched a movie, colored, and ate snacks. Then, it came time to go home and that's when I had a conversation with the two year old that really struck me...
It went something like this...
(After seeing my Macbook laying on the countertop)
2yr old: Where's your big 'puter? ('puter = computer)
Me: What?
2yr old: Your BIG 'puter (now gesturing with arms), where is it?
Me: That's my computer.
2yr old: No, your BIG 'puter (once again motioning with arms)
Me: Oh, that's my computer, I just have a little computer.
2yr old: Do you like your little 'puter? Do you want my big 'puter?
Me: No, I like my little computer!
It was a strange conversation, especially with a two year old, but then I realized ... he only knows a world WITH computers ... MULTIPLE computers. He sees a desktop and a laptop on a regular basis, sitting next to each other many times! Wow how things have changed ... it makes me wonder how fast and far technology is going to go as these kids begin to grow up ... and how the church MUST change the way it communicates as Web 2.0 begins to take hold. I don't think social networking is just online fun, I think its the future and how we utilize it is going to determine how we reach people!
What are you using ... how are you connecting with others? Is your online networking meaningful? Have you ever thought about the potential you have to reach people? The internet is never going to replace real life connections with people - and it shouldn't, but it is going to change the world as we know it.
In the last two days I've seen three examples of social networking and the church at work. People are seeing a need, sharing a need, and being the church to people they don't even know! You can check out some of these examples at the links below... ::: raised $25,000+ in less than 24 hours to build a kindergarten in Vietnam (original goal: $30,000 by December 31st) ::: collecting Christmas presents for children at Phoenix Children's - already have more than enough Children's Bibles two days after they posted the need
realtimechurch ::: bringing social networking and the church together to share the need and be the church
Maybe one way you can do something this Christmas is by helping someone you've never met by following their story and bringing it into your home via the web, blogs, social networking sites and getting it into your life through prayer and actively doing something to help!