Wednesday, July 9, 2008

South Dakota - Day 3

First of all, let me say that this group is AMAZING! Everyone worked so hard today and accomplished so much - they're also asking some incredible, thoughtful questions, learning more about their faith and have an excitement to serve the Lord - parents you have some amazing young people!

This morning began with the opportunity to hear a man named Rusty share his story. He is currently seeking out God's purpose for his life, and as we talked about tonight he has broken through the cycle that seems to be all around us - from home to here and across the world! We talked about how many times people can become prisoners of their past, slaves of their current circumstances, and fearful of their future - but Rusty clearly has broken through these things! Christ has freed him from his past and he is daily overcoming the circumstances that he faces, while seeking the Lord about his future and knowing that God is in control.

Following our time with Rusty we got to work!

Paint...Paint...Paint!!! That was our theme for the day!

After a full day of painting, we cleaned up and got ready for the third day of Global Expedition! Tonight almost 100 children attended and everyone had a great time! We made weavings, played games with a parachute and had pudding and Oreos for snack!

The teens have done an incredible job connecting with the local teens here! They are enjoying hanging out with them each night and partnering with them in ministry here in South Dakota!

Here's a few more pictures from our time today! Tomorrow will once again be a busy day as we attempt to finish painting the duplex and wrap-up Global Expedition!