This is Lambie ... she's the star of the show in the Preschool Ministry. The kids go NUTS when she wakes up from her slumber each Thursday night to tell the preschoolers a Bible Story and boy were they excited tonight when Lambie told them all about her summer and then about David and Goliath! And... the highlight for each child every Thursday night is when they get to hug Lambie before going to their Small Group Activity Centers. I love preschoolers ... simply because they LOVE stuffed sock puppets ... LIFE IS JUST SIMPLE! :-)
Lambie also stars in weekend video curriculum from time to time. The kids love seeing her on the screens and are constantly trying to decide it she's real when she appears on video!
Thanks to Lambie's "mom" who shares her with us each week and teaches the Preschoolers :-)
Here's a picture of Lambie ... I'll post pictures of the REAL Studio 6.7 Preschool Lambie next Thursday night!

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