To be honest, I've wanted to write this post for awhile now ... but just never have. I want to start out by saying that if you're a Christian - people are watching you! Your life IS your testimony ... the things you say, the places you go, the way you act ... you're being watched and those things speak to more of who you are than anything else! Being a Christian isn't about the 1.5 hours you spend at church each week ... its about the 168 hours each week that you're in relationship with Christ!
You may have read on here before that I play softball on Sundays ... I play with a great group of people and pray that I am a light to them. It's not a church league ... just a regular city league ... and I love that ... I love that I have a chance to get to know some people in the community who I would have never met, except for this common link of the game.
It breaks my heart though that there is a team in our league making a proclamation on their shirts, but not showing it through their actions. Their shirts say that they represent Christ ... unfortunately though their actions don't and it breaks my heart that their being watched by unbelievers who are wondering what Christianity is all about.
The Bible teaches us to be an example and it is something that is easy to lose sight of as we get caught up in the day to day frustrations, but I hope that you will take this as a reminder to watch your actions, your words, and your witness in front of everyone ... both believers and nonbelievers.
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