Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Faith Community
"Christianity is an individual journey lived out in community"
As those words rolled from the pastor's tongue last weekend I couldn't help, but to reflect on my own journey ... its been a personal journey for me, but one that without the community around me I would never be where I am today. This statement finally put into words what I have been wanting to share on here for awhile, but just couldn't figure out what I was wanting to express ... those words above are it! Your faith is personal ... but you can't do it alone!
Last October, during my brother's wedding, this became very evident to me. I'm not real emotional, but there came a moment during the ceremony when a close friend was just behind me singing a solo and I looked up and two of the groomsmen were guys who had walked alongside my brother an I during some very difficult times - when our faith was very young ... they, along with others helped to shape us into the people we are today. As I looked up at those three men, and thought of others who weren't there that I day I was taken back to a little more than seven years ago when those were the same men attending my dad's funeral - a man they had never met, but who through their selfless actions helped us to understand what the church body truly was - a family. There are several people who have come alongside me in my journey over the last 11-12 years and who have helped me grow in my relationship with Christ - to them I am forever grateful!
My encouragement to you is to find that community - no matter how shy you are - let people love you! Our faith isn't something meant to be done on our own ... its meant to be done with others!
Monster Suits,
Never Letting Go

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