Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday's Tip

No, I haven't quit blogging, just have had a bit of writer's block lately and since life has been pretty busy, I haven't really stopped to think about what I should write.

However, I had an experience this past week that I want to share, because I think its something that we should be mindful of.

After three years at my current apartment, it's time for a change ... so in a few months I'll be moving into a brand new place.  Now, the place I'm at has been juts fine, but the new place has a little more to offer, so I'm choosing to move - in the end, its going to be a better fit for me.

Which, brings me to what I want to share...

"It's going to be a better fit for me" ... there's lots of reasons why, and I won't bore you with all the details, but that's what it comes down to - and sometimes I hear volunteers say that when choosing to serve in another ministry, age level, or even service time.  When I hear that from someone I honor it, I don't question it - I know that between them and God, they know what's best.  So, on a weekly basis I have these types of conversations.

This past week I had to have the conversation with my current place about moving and well, it was met with friction and an attempt to nearly beg me to stay where I am ... listing all the "bad" things they had heard ... it literally made me WANT to move.

Yet, it was such a reminder of what people want to hear ... we all want to be encouraged to do what is best, not questioned and begged to stay.  So, let this be a reminder that as you work with other's, encourage them to do what's best ... for them ... even if that means you might lose them in your ministry area ... maybe God has something better for them ... don't get in the way of that!