Take a leisurely stroll through Studio 6.7 and you’ll find that it can turn into more of a hike, involving all three floors and fifteen different rooms!
With this past August’s promotions, Studio 6.7 opened a new Early Childhood classroom and re-organized the layout of the Elementary Ministry.
In Early Childhood, children now can be found in nine classrooms; seven on the Main Floor and two on the Upper Floor. Children from birth through about three years of age are in still in the original Studio 6.7 Classrooms on the Main Floor; however the 4 and 5 year olds have moved upstairs to the Attic, which opened in August 2009, and the Loft, opened August 2010.
In Elementary, children have moved from the original two Elementary Classrooms (Studio and Stadium) into five rooms. Kindergarteners now meet in the Stadium, having both their small group and large group teaching and worship in this classroom, while the Studio is used as a Large Group and Worship Area for the other four grade levels.
First to fourth graders meet in four grade-level specific classrooms in the Lower Level. This gives children in these grade levels the opportunity to connect with peers who are their same age and with their small group leaders in a more intimate setting.
The Studio 6.7 Team has spent a good part of this past summer preparing for these changes.
Volunteers have moved to new classrooms, and supplies have been re-divided so that all children and volunteers have the things they need during services.
The changes have been exciting as each area has seen many months of preparation come together to create a fun-filled learning environment for all the children in Studio 6.7.
Ultimately, as Studio 6.7 prepares for additional growth and manages the growth that has been experienced over the past year, these classroom changes have been positive -classroom sizes in all age groups have been reduced, and volunteers now have a greater opportunity to connect with children and families, and yet, it has also allowed Studio 6.7 to prepare for the future.
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