Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It is in the silence where I find myself truly connecting with God. Our everyday lives are busy ... I mean BUSY, but I have been challenged this week to find times where I can be silent, alone, and reconnect with God. It is something I need to do.
This morning I read this verse in 1 Peter 4:7 ... "The end of all things is near. So keep a clear mind. Control yourselves. Then you can pray"
The words "keep a clear mind" weighed heavy on my heart as I realized that the busyness of life clutters my mind and my heart - it keeps me from connecting with my Creator.
I've spent the past few days in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. There have been moments of quiet, but people always seem to be around. Then yesterday, I got on my bike ... no radio, no talking, no noise ... and I rode part of the Cade's Cove Loop (truth be told I think I could have done all 11 miles, but that's for another day). There was no noise, but me, the wind, and the bugs and it was in the moment when I was challenged that in order for me to truly connect with God in the deep way I long for I must get away from everything. I must plan times to go into the open country and just be alone.
Monster Suits,

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