Monday, March 8, 2010

Blogging for Kenya

Compassion Bloggers: Kenya 2010

I came across this on a blog I follow from time to time. At first, I have to admit, I was a little unsure of the whole idea. While I didn't know that much about it - it sounded to me like Compassion was taking bloggers to another country to "show" them something - to show them a life that we'll never know and ask them to tell the rest of us about how the people in Kenya live.


I was wrong in so many ways. More than likely only a small percentage of the millions who follow these six blogs will ever travel to Kenya and experience life there. BUT through the words of these bloggers millions have been made aware of the life of the people in Kenya.

Not only have they made millions aware of a life most of us will never know - they've called us to action. This was one of my concerns when I heard about this ... why are they just going to "see" ... why aren't they going to "do" something. Wrong I was! They are "doing" more by "seeing" than they would have ever been able to accomplish with just their mere hands.

They have called us to action to do something ... whether its for a child in Kenya or a child across the street they are challenging their readers to do something for someone less fortunate.

You see, these six bloggers are doing more for the children in Kenya and around the world by telling their story and being their voice than they ever could have done with their mere hands. The children of Kenya have had a voice this week - they have had their stories told ... I hope these six blogs move you the way they've moved me this week...


Brad Ruggles

Kristen Welch

Kent Shaffer

LV Hanson

Ryan Detzel

And if God so leads you ... you too can sponsor a child through Compassion International.