Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Put Your Feet Down"

I had the opportunity to experience the ocean last week.  Now, I've been to three of the world's four oceans ... seen them all but the Arctic Ocean and been in three different countries when seeing the other three, but I've never ventured in.  There's something about fish swimming in there with you and not being able to see the bottom that just freaks me out ... let alone there are jellyfish and sharks that could get you too.  But this time, a friend convinced me that riding on the waves far outweighed the thoughts of fishies, jellyfish, and sharks ... so in (to the VERY cold) Atlantic I went last week. 

It was COLD ... I mean really, really cold, but the cold was quickly forgotten as I began riding the waves on a boogie board (or maybe I was just frozen and numb at that point).  It was FUN!!!  I loved the waves, but I kept finding myself struggling ... getting knocked in the head by a wave, having trouble keeping my board with me, or an array of other issues.  And each time I would begin to struggle my friend would say ... "Put your feet down!" 

I was having trouble keeping myself afloat in the water ... but ... it wasn't that deep and I could touch - but I was so wrapped up in staying above the waves that I would forget to just put my feet down ... I had just always pictured the ocean as this deep body of water that you can't touch the bottom of.  Obviously though when you're that close to shore that isn't the case ... even though I felt like it was.

At one point as I was trying to stay on top of the waves I realized that sometimes this is how it is in life.  I (maybe you too) get so caught up in all the junk and sin going on around me, in my own life, and in the lives of others - yet God is saying "Put your feet down!" ... stand on Me, on my Truth, on my Word ... I'm right here.  Just like the sand was right there God is too and He wants us to stand on Him, rest in Him, and trust that He is what will keep us going even when the waves of sin are crashing into us. 

So, as you go about your day ... just remember to put your feet down and stand on God ... you don't have to do life alone ... He's right there!