Go to wherever you keep your photos, for me its iPhoto :-) and go to the 4th folder, then open the 4th photo and explain it.
Here's mine...
This is such a cool photo and a memory of a weekend that probably changed myself and my church in unbelievable ways. It was taken from the roof of the Wheeler Building (10 stories) on the near-east side of Indianapolis during Good Neighbor Weekend (hosted by Northview). I was on a video crew that weekend, which is why we made it onto the roof - below us on every story of the building were teams working to paint, carpet, repair, and prepare the building for Wheeler Ministries to use. What's even cooler though is that looking at this photo, there were really thousands of Northview people in it ... spread all across Indianapolis that morning and throughout that weekend in October 2007 - loving people and serving the community.
I'll never forget that weekend. We canceled services, gathered for a moment of prayer and then just spread out all over! There were teams that painted, served meals, landscaped ... did all sorts of things from the south side to way north of carmel ... more than three thousand people serving and serving. What's cooler though is that it didn't end that weekend ... it turned into "Good Neighbor" ... a way of living, a way of loving your neighbor as yourself.
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