Sunday, December 30, 2007

January and a New Year!

2008 will be here in less than 48 hours!

What are some things that you hope to accomplish this coming year?

In January we'll be learning about love - loving God and loving others - and how we can love God just like Jesus did!

There are 4 weeks this month - here are the topics...

Week 1 - Jesus did what God wanted him to - Teaching in the Temple

Week 2 - God was happy with Jesus - Jesus' Baptism

Week 3 - Jesus talks to God - Prayer

Week 4 - Jesus teaches others - the Two Greatest Commandments

January schedules will be in the mail this week!

Also, don't forget about winter quarter of NU Kids - the 6-week quarter begins January 10th - we'll be learning about "The Story" - and taking a deeper look at 6 of the most important stories in the Bible! Registration is available in the lobby or online!