You know who they are ... the kids and adults you come across each day who are hard to love. Maybe they're a little bit more active than the rest, or maybe they need a little more attention, maybe you find yourself constantly having to discipline them, or maybe its the child who sits off in the corner refusing to participate in ANY activity you come up with ... even the ones you spend hours preparing for! They come from all walks of life and all types of backgrounds, but in the end they are created by God and loved VERY much by Him.
Make a list...
Who do you struggle to love?
Why is it a struggle for you to love them?
Now, think about this...
God has created each of us and loves each of us the same. There is nothing that we can do to lose his love and doing good things won't even earn it for us - it is simply ... UNCONDITIONAL - He loves us for being just who we are. Now, yes - He wants us to become more like Himself every day, but His love is still unconditional. God loves these people on your list just as much as He loves you and me ... so would you make a commitment with me this week?
Would you commit to pray for these people?
To ask God to help you see them just as He sees them?
See how God works in your life and in the life of these people this week!
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