Friday, December 11, 2009

Lessons in Parenting

Now if you know me, that title might have made you laugh ... and then wonder what this post was all about! I don't have kids of my own, but every now and then I am privileged to keep someone else's kids.

Last week was one of those times. And it was the first time I had spent an entire week, full time, with kids younger than high school/junior high age. Boy did I learn a lot! It was a great experience for me and gave me an understanding of what the parents I serve go through on a daily basis. It now makes sense on how it can take several days to check emails, complete forms, and just get basic things done! Last week by the time I got home from work, got homework done and everyone fed it was time for bed ... and I was ready to crawl in bed too!

Overall, it was a great week and we had a ton of fun! There was only one meltdown the entire week ... and it was quickly overcome with a little ice cream :-)

So ... if you wondered where I was last week ... let's just say there was little time to blog or do much of anything else!