Saturday, January 9, 2010


This past week we got quite a bit of snow. Now, here in Indiana people are tough when it snows a lot ... when it snows a little not so much. I think its a "macho" thing ... lots of snow = great driving, schools open, life is normal ... small amounts of snow = terrible driving, schools delayed, and chaos ensues. I will never understand the things that snow does to people.

Including me...

I was leaving my neighborhood this past week following nearly 6 inches of snow when I passed two grown men on the side of the road. One was laying in the snow ... the other was taking his picture. My immediate thought was "look at those grown men acting like children!". Then, as I attempted to turn my head to look at them, I realized I couldn't. You see ... I was wearing 3 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, a jacket, a winter coat, a hat, and gloves ... thus rendering me unable to move. I myself, was headed to the highest point in Hamilton County to go sledding ... with TONS of children!

It was at that point I decided that we all need to act like kids sometimes ... lay in the snow, go sledding, just do something fun!

So ... go do something fun today! Let yourself act like a child and just enjoy life!