Monday, September 21, 2009

RESET - Week 1

This past weekend we began a 6-week journey @ church.  It's called RESET and the materials actually came from this really cool church in Ohio.  This past weekend we talked about resetting our assumptions about Jesus. 

For a moment, be completely honest with yourself ... how do you picture Jesus?  Is he this loving man with children gathered around Him like many images reflect or is he distant in your mind ... waiting to get you when you screw up?  For me, He's the distant Jesus ... even though I know He isn't distant and that He loves me no matter what.  I grew up with a father who was distant and I have applied those past hurts and experiences onto the "father figure" of Jesus/God.  

Over the next six-weeks though I hope to learn even more about the true person that Jesus is, and not allow my own experiences to affect my image of Him!

What is your picture of Jesus?